3 Tips to Improve Alexa Ranking

Alexa ranking has no significant influence on traffic, and yet many webmasters are working on to improve Alexa ranking. So what’s with Alexa rank that makes it so popular among blog owners, and why you should care, as well?

There are numerous benefits of having a good rank in Alexa. It’s not about traffic, but sometimes they attract more visitors to your website. Alexa seems to have a world on its own; unlike Google that is open to all. In this case, blogs can only be ranked higher if they meet certain requirements. While all blogs will get an Alexa rank, not all will be able to improve their ranks higher to enjoy the benefits.

How to Improve Alexa Rank

To get started in improving your rank in Alexa, you must first adhere to the criteria set by the network. One of them works like a membership. To be counted in, you need to be an Alexa user. Therefore, install the Alexa toolbar in your browser. Alternatively, install the plugin provided for by Alexa and insert it in your blog, and then claim your site. This is an important step and a mandatory procedure.

The plugin serves as a badge that tells visitors that you are an Alexa user. This can also attract more Alexa visitors to your site because some users will visit sites of other Alexa members as part of their optimization strategies. Once the toolbar or the plugin is installed, you are already an official member of the Alexa network, and that’s the time you can commence your campaign to improve Alexa ranking. Here are some tips to help you get started with your campaign.

Write a Review

You will get added points by publishing a review post about Alexa that links back to the Alexa homepage. Your rank will improve a few days or weeks after the review post is published. However, you must ensure that the review article is unique, and not copied and rehashed elsewhere.

Considering that this is a review article, it should be easy to do since you can just write your honest opinion about Alexa rank that includes the pros and cons. You don’t have to make the post long; a short genuine review will do. This must be published in your blog.

Get Alexa Traffic

One of the ranking signals is traffic. The higher the traffic that your blog gets the higher will be its rank. However, the visitors must be Alexa users, as well. Visits by non-Alexa users will not be counted. That is why it is known to have a world on its own.

To attract visits by users, surf niche-related blogs and look for the Alexa badge. Insert some comments in the posts, linking back to your site. Some webmasters will usually check the links of the commenters, and if your blog url is there in your profile, you will get visits by Alexa users.

Update Your Site Regularly

Regular update is a must. Freshness of the contents is one of the ranking signals. So publish posts regularly. This will attract more Alexa visitors, as well. Tap on the power of the social media when publishing posts to increase the potential of your content to go viral. Remember, getting traffic is all about exposure, and the more your content is being shared by the readers to their social friends, the better will be its visibility in varied communities. This increases the chances of getting more visits by Alexa users.

For a start, you can implement the above tips. They are already enough to improve Alexa Ranking. But you must not confine your strategies to the above methods. Move on to other techniques to attain higher Alexa rank.